interact with people in a unique way. Pick up your phone and start making new social connections!

About Us
With LightUp Social, you can break new ground and expand your social circle. So, start investing in yourself and develop
genuine connections with those around you.

Our Vision

Our Mission
Empowering individuals to connect with those nearby in order to create genuine relationships in the offline world.


For Seamless Interactions
LightUp Social has brilliant features
personalizing the user experience
allowing everyone to
make true connections.

Simple User Interface
Our App has a colorful yet simple des-
ign keeping everyone engaged
in or-
der to connect
other users

You can connect with other users
real time who are nearby
and acti-
vely seeking

Wave to say Hello
Initiate an interaction by sending
a wave to interesting users
around you.

Social light status
Easily change your social light sta-
tus from green, yellow, or red. Just
like a traffic signal!
How to Use
If you are out in any public location and want to hang out or converse with another person, even a group of new people, you can do that easily! Just install the app and make a quick profile by adding your selfie/photo and a few personal details. Set your status to green, yellow, or red, just like the colors of a traffic signal. If you want to meet any new person, set your status to green, and the people who have the green status will be visible to you. Next, choose your current public location for people to know where you are at. Once your green light is on and current location set, it is time to wave at others in your area. You will also receive waves from others looking to meet. Simply wave back to make a connection. If by chance you are not interested, simply delete the wave. If you are looking for a group of new people and not just one person, set your light to yellow and you will see all people interested in meeting in groups on the map. If you decide you have created enough new connections and want to focus on one person or a group of people you’ve just met, simply switch to red status and you are off the map!
When someone has responded positively to your wave or you have waved back to another person, you will move to the next step. You will choose from three predefined responses where you can decide to walk to their location or ask them to walk to yours. We have provided an option for those with disabilities to invite movement towards them. Our free membership allows two free waves a day. If you become a subscribed member you will increase to unlimited waves everyday! Green, Yellow, or Red? Take the first step toward a new conversation, friendship, or relationship by sending waves of positivity to people near you. Download the app and get started.
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